June 28th - 4:30p to 7:00p
Bingo games start at 5:00pm
50/50 game ($5/ticket)
Prizes are CASH!
$20.00 entry fee (includes 10 free cards)
$5 for a packet of 5 cards
Game splits
Exact amount based on $1 cards purchased:
Winner of game #1: 90% us, 10% you
Winner of game #2: 80% us, 20% you
Winner of game #3: 70% us, 30% you
Winner of game #4: 60% us, 40% you
Winner of game #5: 50% us, 50% you
Winner of game #6: 40% us, 60% you
Winner of game #7: 30% us, 70% you
Winner of game #8: 20% us, 80% you
Winner of game #9: 10% us, 90% you
50/50 drawing
Winner of final coverall game #10:100% you!
2 options to play:
1. In person at Lucky Dog Retreat with Bier Brewery and snacks.
2. At home, with your own snacks, using Zoom online.
To play online, please complete the form below BEFORE 6/19/2020
We will mail your bingo cards and 50/50 tickets to your home. We will have technical support available to help with Zoom if needed starting at 4:00pm
How many cards do you think you can handle?
The more players, the more $ winnings :-)
Lucky Dog Retreat Rescue
Tax ID #45-4018108